Meet the Candidates City Council At-Large #3

Houstonians will cast their votes in the November 7, 2023 General Election for City Council At-Large #3.

Sixteen Council Members, along with the Mayor and City Controller, are elected every four years. Council Members are limited to serving two terms of four years each, with each term beginning on January 2. Five Council Members are elected At-Large, or city-wide, while the other eleven are elected to geographic districts of roughly the same proportion of population.

Here is information on the nine candidates for the position, collected from publicly available websites or as a response to an email inquiry. We suggest you learn more about your favorite candidates, evaluate their claims, assess their suitability to represent your interests, and decide who will get your vote.

Bernard "Bernardo" Amadi

No website or public information available

Richard Cantu

Campaign Website:

Profession: Executive Director of the East Aldine Management District

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Issues / Priorities:

  • Safe & Clean Neighborhoods
  • Youth Development
  • Community partnerships

Public Service Highlights:

  • Harris County Department of Education Board of Trustees (2019-present)
  • Director of the Mayor’s Citizens’ Assistance Office (MCAO) 2000
  • Democratic Precinct Chair
  • Civic Club President

Candidate Introduction (From Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey and campaign website):

I am a 30-year Public Servant who has worked both at the front line delivering important city services as well as at the Executive Level of city government. I was elected county-wide to the Harris County Board of Education in 2018, and I have served as a Democratic Precinct Chair and as a Civic Club President. I currently serve as Executive Director of the East Aldine Management District, one of the largest districts in Harris County. I also earned a BA in Political Science from University of Houston and a master’s in public administration from the University of St. Thomas.

SAFE & CLEAN NEIGHBORHOODS • Improve neighborhood safety by expanding dialogue and forging partnerships between law enforcement and the community so public safety efforts prioritize the community’s needs. • Better utilize crime fighting technology like LPR (license plate reader) Cameras and ShotSpotter in high-crime Hotspots in order to assist patrol officers in solving crime. • Expand community policing with an emphasis on Youth as well as Businesses. Officers should have regular interaction with our youth in schools and community centers. Better outreach with businesses will serve as a force multiplier by coordinating and sharing information and concerns. • Develop more neighborhood clean-up efforts by partnering with civic groups

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT • Invest in Youth like the future of our city depends on it……because it does! • All our parks and community centers should be bursting at the seams with community activity; however, many are virtually empty. • Safe school corridors should be prioritized by police as well as youth service providers in order to prevent crime and opportunities for youth delinquency. • City facilities and other community resources need to be better utilized so we can divert youth from crime and drugs, while providing better access to resources and opportunities to succeed!

COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS • Improve efficiency of city services by highlighting areas of excellence and addressing those that need improvement. Department reps should be meeting regularly with neighborhood leaders. • City departments should seek out the use of schools and church facilities in areas where no city facilities exist, so services are accessible to the residents that need them the most. • Train and employ a volunteer Neighborhood Corps to assist with neighborhood code enforcement efforts and revitalization of blighted areas. • Prioritize the needs and goals of civic groups, schools, and youth organizations (like little leagues) throughout the city. These are the most active and none have more pride in their area.

Twila Carter

Campaign Website:

Profession: Senior Vice President of Community Relations of the Houston Astros and Executive Director of the Astros Foundation

Party Affiliation: Republican

Issues / Priorities:

  • Safe Neighborhoods
  • Lower Taxes & Stop Wasteful Spending
  • Invest in Infrastructure & Flood Mitigation
  • Support Houston’s Economy & Small Businesses
  • End Cycles of Poverty

Public Service Highlights:

  • Texas Council on Family Violence – Vice Chair, Board of Directors
  • USO Texas – Chair, Board of Directors,
  • Houston Police Foundation – Board of Directors
  • YMCA of Greater Houston
  • AVDA – Aide to Victims of Domestic Abuse
  • Family Time Crisis & Counseling Center

Candidate Introduction (From Candidate Website):

As a long-time Houstonian, Twila Carter has a track record of service in our community. She is now ready to bring her record of success to City Hall by running for Houston City Council, At-Large Position 3.

For over a decade, Twila served as Senior Vice President of Community Relations of the Houston Astros and Executive Director of the Astros Foundation. During her tenure, the charitable foundation raised over $60 million for charities that focus on improving the quality of life in our city.

Life was not always easy for Twila. Raised from humble beginnings, often dependent on welfare as a child, Twila has worked diligently to break the cycle of poverty in her family.

Twila knows the importance of investing in others and is dedicated to helping create opportunity for struggling families and at-risk women. Twila Carter has served as Vice Chair for the Texas Council on Family Violence and Family Time Crisis and Counseling Center. She also serves on the Advisory Board for the Houston Area Women’s Center and is a former Board Member of Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA).

Twila knows that safe communities are prosperous communities. She is committed to fully funding the Houston Police Department. Twila’s commitment to the men and women in uniform runs deep. She is the Board Chair for USO Houston and currently serves on The Houston Police Foundation. Twila’s commitment to law enforcement has earned her the endorsement of the Houston Police Officers’ Union because they know that she has their backs.

Twila Carter is honest, consistent, and persistent. She resides in Kingwood and attends Kingwood United Methodist Church.

Donnell Cooper

Campaign Website:

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Issues / Priorities:

  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Public Safety
  • Infrastructure & Flooding
  • Economic Development
  • Environmental Justice

Public Service Highlights:

  • Houston Community College Acres Homes campus manager and adjunct professor
  • President for The Greater Houston Frontiers Club
  • Boy Scouts of America District Director
  • NAACP Past Membership Chair
  • Bay Ridge Christian College Board Chair
  • No More Victims, Board Chair

Candidate Introduction (From Candidate Website):

Donnell is a graduate of Jack Yates High School, and Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he received his bachelor of science in

Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology. In 1998 he moved back to Houston Texas to complete his master’s of science in Public Administration at Texas Southern University with a concentration in Human Resources.

While completing his Masters degree Donnell found through his thorough research that 80% of most college graduates were not successful with securing jobs due to a lack of social skills. It was at that time when he decided to give back to community and deliver what he calls the necessary Social Skills of Etiquette

For Houston Community College Acres Homes campus manager and adjunct professor Donnell Cooper, countless hours of volunteerism and service in the community over 15 years have been recognized with a Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.

Founded by the U.S. President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, the award honors individuals with more than 4,000 volunteer hours and whose service positively impacts communities across the nation.

In addition to Cooper’s commitment to HCC students, he is equally committed to creating access to higher education. He serves as president for The Greater Houston Frontiers Club, a national nonprofit organization that has provided more than $2 million in local scholarships to students in Harris County. He is also known for his exceptional fundraising and community partnerships, and he has played an instrumental role in growing HCC scholarships through the college’s Black History Committee.

In today’s society the Right is doing everything they can to participate in the erosion of democracy. They are using their power to terrorize, spread hate and divide societies by scapegoating particular groups. They dictate to women and people able to have children whether, when, if, and how many children they can have or whether they can access contraception. They declare LGBTQ+ families unworthy, deny climate change, they are distorting the education of our children by banning books and rewriting history like slavery.

But just as the Right follows a strict pattern in how they strong-arm their way into people’s homes and private lives, so too is there a pattern for breaking their influence. This is Donnell’s fight for democracy. It starts in the home, and at the community level. It starts with electing people that will fight for the rights of every human being, no matter what sex, creed or color. Issues like voting rights, women rights, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change, and a strong public education system must be foundation of this fight to stand up for democratic values.

Donnell’s campaign is about a strong democracy for Houston, the state of Texas and for the country.

Casey Curry


Profession: Businesswoman

Issues / Priorities:

  • Flooding & Storm Resilience
  • Safe Communities
  • Economic Development & Workforce of the Future

Public Service Highlights:

  • Meteorologist

Candidate Introduction (From Website):

Many of you know Casey as a meteorologist and television personality. From Hurricane Ike to Hurricane Harvey, numerous winter storms and everything in between – Casey was the trusted expert for many Houstonians during our region’s extreme weather events.

She recently entered the corporate world and works in philanthropy and communications.
Casey is also a wife and mom. She and her husband Carl are proud parents to nine-year-old Winnie.

Her whole life was a bit of an adventure. Her dad was in the Army…so the family traveled and moved around a lot! Casey was born in Panama and became a U.S. citizen when she was a teenager. She attended nine elementary schools growing up, including one in Germany.

Flooding & Storm Resilience

Houston must have better infrastructure that protects our residents and our economy from flooding, hurricanes, and extreme temperatures.
As a former meteorologist, I am uniquely qualified to advocate at the local, state, and national levels and find innovative solutions for all Houstonians.
  • Invest in green infrastructure solutions, such as rain gardens and permeable pavements, to reduce storm water runoff and alleviate pressure on our storm water system.
  • Partner with private industry and academia to develop innovative flood control technologies and solutions.
  • Work with federal and state agencies to secure funding for flood mitigation projects.

Safe Communities

Safety is a top concern for every person and business owner I speak with.
I will prioritize recruiting and retaining more police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. We must ensure our first responders have the resources they need to serve and protect our community.
  • Identify new revenue streams to fund more HPD cadet classes, such as grants or public-private partnerships.
  • Work with community leaders and organizations to develop innovative programs that attract diverse candidates to join HPD.

Economic Development & Workforce of the Future

Now is the time to prepare our workforce for the future.
That means finding solutions to address the current mismatch between employer needs and the skills of current job seekers. But it also means changing the way we think about education for our youngest Houstonians, like partnering with our friends in labor to find creative solutions to train our workforce with skills that can lead to lifelong careers, with fair wages and solid benefits.
We must work together to combat the barriers to the economic vitality of our city:
  • Support our small businesses, which are a vital part of our economy.
  • Improve the maintenance and repair of our streets, sidewalks, and public transportation systems to ensure that they are safe and accessible.
  • Expand and improve public transportation options, including bus and rail, to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.
  • Collaborate with our public and private stakeholders to address the mental health challenges of our young people.
Ethan Michelle Ganz


Issues / Priorities:

  • Defending Democracy
  • Housing
  • Infrastructure
  • Transportation

Public Service Highlights:

  • Vice Chair of the Alliance Party National Executive Committee

  • LGBTQ Caucus Chair of the Alliance Party National Committee

  • Board Member at the Houston Peace and Justice Center

  • Co-Founder of the Montrose Residents Coalition

Candidate Introduction (From Website):

I’m Ethan Michelle Ganz, a 47-year-old trans nonbinary activist fighting for justice and equity.

I am an activist, advocate, speaker, and community organizer. I am 47 years old and have been married for 6 years. I’ve experienced discrimination in my career as a level 4 NCCER-certified Industrial Pipefitter, leading me to go back to school. In 2017, I started attending HCC at the age of 41. After graduating, I ran for Houston City Council District C. The experience changed my life.

My journey with Pure Justice started in 2019 when I volunteered with them and later became a part of their Access to Democracy Campaign as a Voter Engagement Organizer. That job ignited my love for community organizing.

​I had the opportunity to participate in a transformative initiative within Harris County jail to empower those within its walls. We successfully registered over 1,500 voters, with a staggering 90% of them being justice-impacted individuals. At the time, an alarming 80% of those incarcerated were awaiting trial. Yet we firmly believe that every voice deserves to be heard, and every right to vote must be upheld.

This year, I have been focused on fighting oppression, white Christian Nationalism, and fascism in the state legislature. With determination to run for city council, I couldn’t rest until I fought for our cause in Austin. Then in June, I was nominated and elected Nonbinary Grand Marshal of Pride. Now it is time to win Houston City Council At Large 3.

James Joseph



Party Affiliation: Democrat

Issues / Priorities:

Public Service Highlights:

Candidate Introduction (From email Inquiry):

James Joseph is a dedicated and accomplished leader who is committed to making a positive impact on the Houston community. Born and raised in Houston, James is a proud alumnus of Texas Southern University, where he earned his degree in Public Administration, instilling in him a deep appreciation for the importance of knowledge, innovation, and community engagement. James understands the challenges faced by local businesses and is passionate about promoting economic growth and sustainability within the city. He has successfully founded and operated several businesses, creating job opportunities and contributing to the local economy.

James also gives back to the community by founding a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering underprivileged youth through education and mentorship programs. His commitment to uplifting the next generation reflects his belief in the power of education to transform lives.

A recognized community leader, James has been actively involved in various community initiatives, advocating for improved infrastructure, affordable housing, and safer neighborhoods. As an associate minister, he brings his values of compassion and inclusivity to his work, fostering unity and understanding among diverse groups.

James Joseph’s candidacy for Houston City Council At Large Position 3 is driven by a desire to create a more prosperous, inclusive, and vibrant Houston. With his education, business acumen, non-profit experience, community leadership, and spiritual dedication, James is well-prepared to address the pressing issues facing our city and work tirelessly to make Houston a better place for all residents. James Joseph can bring positive change to Houston!

Ericka McCrutcheon


Political Affiliation: Republican

Profession: Ownder, Dunamis Group, LLC

Issues / Priorities:

  • Infrastructure and a clean city
  • Flooding mitigation
  • Balanced Budget and strong economy

Public Service Highlights:

  • President of the Kirkwood Civic Club
  • HCRP Precinct 76 Chair
  • Tri-County Republican Women (Current)
  • San Jacinto Republican Women
  • Daughters of Liberty Republican Women (Former Chaplin)
  • Southwest Houston Pachyderm Club (Charter Member)

Candidate Introduction (From Website):

I am Ericka McCrutcheon, Candidate for Houston City Council At-Large Position #3, I am running to help Houston mitigate Urban City pitfalls like high crime, illegal dumping, crumbling infrastructure, and fiscal problems. Public safety is the #1 priority because a safe city is a city that can prosper. We must all work together to rebuild the reputation and respect for law enforcement and remind everyone that public safety is everyone’s responsibility. Infrastructure and a Clean City is a must. We have got to work together to clean up our city of dumping in our communities. Flooding remains to be an issue on the minds of many Houstonians. Some work has been done in this area; more must be done to mitigate flooding. A Balanced Budget/Strong Economy improves the quality of life for all Houstonians. Fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget say we must use our tax dollars wisely and eliminate wasteful spending. I am dedicated to supporting wholesome values and common-sense policies that promote positive changes to Houston’s City Hall that will lead our city forward in the 21st century.

As for me, I am a minority woman business owner of The Dunamis Group LLC, a general contracting commercial and residential construction and remodeling company that specializes in dialysis, medical clinics, and health care. I am a licensed Realtor, and an Insurance Agent in Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. I serve as a co-Pastor, Worship Leader and Church Administrator at Joint Heirs Fellowship Church, a growing multi-racial, non-denominational church here in Houston. I am also the President of the Kirkwood Civic Club and the HCRP Precinct 76 Chair. I am married to my wonder husband, John for 34 years. I love meeting and serving people in community and encouraging community involvement, being engaged in the local Civic Club, supporting the local Church, and motivating voters to participate in the election processes.

With your vote I will support common sense policies for Houston that will build up our city and keep Houston thriving and attractive.

Richard Nguyen


Profession: Community Outreach Program, City of Houston Solid Waste Management

Public Service Highlights:

  • Houston City Council, District F (Alief) 2014-2016

Candidate Introduction (From Facebook page):

Richard Nguyen is a former Council Member in the Southwest. He represented District F and brought a brand-new state-of-the-art 60-million-dollar Neighborhood Center to the district. He was also on the Steering Committee that helped Alief ISD to build new educational and vocational facilities to ensure that the next generations are well prepared for future challenges.
Richard Nguyen is a former teacher who values learning. He believes class works and assignments can only go so far. Lessons in life can provide as much knowledge as a book.
Richard Nguyen is currently an employee of the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department’s Community Outreach Program. He would like to represent the entire city on Council. That is his passion. He is the caregiver for his elderly, disabled parents, devoted to his wife and two children. He will care for Houston like his family.
Richard Nguyen is a proven fearless leader who dared to go against popularity to achieve common goals.
Why am I running again? Because I still give a damn!
VOTE Richard Nguyen for City Council At-Large # 3
Early Vote: October 23 through November 3, 2023
Election Day: November 7, 2023

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